Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 6: Tagging & Folksonomies

This is to acknowledge that I have read up the stuff on then
went on to discover where I found looked up one of the most popular bookmarks on Delicious at the moment where guest post recommended you 'Live into your visiton, quoting Socrates “Be as you wish to seem.” ...... so true

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 7 : Social Networking

This has been one of more pleasurable exercises for me to do - especially so that I had joined Facebook early last year and have enjoyed being discovered by old school friends, library patrons from Ballito, SA and family living overseas. One person in particular was a close friend who is now farming with her husband in the magnificent farming area of Ceres, in the Cape, South Africa - which includes angora goats & lucerne.
Visited the Hennepin Country Library and discovered the excellent programmes & services they offer to new settler groups (eg Somalis), summer reading programme (just like Manukau - encouraging students to keep up their reading during the holiday breaks!). Out of curiosity had a look at Kelly's fav. 'Dr Horribles Sing-along-blog. (different...) had an a handy alternate to online bookstores with
Bebo - had a look at Auckland City Libraries space and came across John Mayer's 'interesting' diary - had to register to see all this.